3D Computer Game Design

Boston Education’s 3D Computer Game Design is a program designed to teach students the art and science of game design. By learning to develop video games, students also achieve mastery over some of the most fundamental and important elements of computer programming and graphics design.

Students at the Lower School receive assistance and instruction, as they are introduced to the basics of game development. At the same time, they also receive the necessary freedom to develop and play as they like. Using Kodu Game Lab software, children learn to successfully design 3D games for their personal devices.

The Middles School group build on the foundations acquired at the Lower School. Using the same software, students are presented with more intricate aspects of game design. Students become familiar with concepts like texturing, rendering, and motion capturing. Effectively, students’ roles transition from consumers of game technology into young game designers.

Our Upper School curriculum encompasses a wide range of topics and fields, from designing artificially intelligent non-player characters to creating visually stunning interactive environments. Using procedural modelling, students design their own computer games, and receive the option of publishing them in online stores. Furthermore, the program for the Upper School trains and mentors students to compete in some of the world’s most famous gaming tournaments.

Zora Ball
Way of Woods